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Subsession Class

Here's an overview of all fields and functions in the Subsession class:


Paying Round

  • The paying_round is the round where the player's payoff is calculated if random_payoff = True. See :ref:`random_payoff`
  • A player's saved emission in the paying_round is added to the sum_saved_emission field if random_saved_emission = True. See :ref:`random_emission`

Sum saved Emission


  • The sum_saved_emission field is the sum of the saved_emission player field for all players.
  • The sum is either calculated across the paying_round or across all rounds depending on the :ref:`random_emission` field.
  • The field is used as an input in the :ref:`mail_ref` function.
  • Excludes all players that ar seen as bots. See :ref:`bot_criteria_ref`


  • The set_sum_saved_emission() function sets the sum_saved_emission field.
  • Checks if a player is a bot. See :ref:`bot_criteria_ref`
  • If a player is not a bot then the total saved_emission of all players is added to the sum_saved_emission (Either across the paying round or all rounds).
  • A player has to finish all rounds of the CET, so that the correct data is available. Therefore, this function is only called in the last round of the CET. See :ref:`exp_page`

All Players Finished


  • all_players_finished is a Boolean field that turns True once all players have finished the CET.


  • set_all_players_finished() calculates how many players in total have finished the CET (sum_finished).
  • If sum_finished = Number of participants then the all_players_finished field turns True.
  • This function is only called once (for each player): When the player hits the "Next" button on the :ref:`results`.

Helpful prints

  • The helpful_prints() function prints helpful information about the current state of many player and subsession fields to the terminal.
  • The function can be extended at will and be used for bug fixing purposes, if a new field is added.
  • The function is called in every round of the CET and when a player finishes the CET.
  • The function is only useful if the number of participants is small.

Send Payment Mail

The send_payment_mail() function is used to automate carbon-emission certificate purchases for experiments with real-carbon externalities, such as the CET. For more information see ACO Documentation.


  • The modules requests and smtplib have to be imported at the top of the file.
  • A valid account from an SMTP service provider is needed. The credentials of the account have to be specified at the top of the function.


  • weight_to_donate: A float value used to pass the amount of carbon emission that is saved by the experimental participants. The :ref:`sum_saved_emission_ref` is used for this.
  • unit: A string value that defines the unit of the saved carbon emission. The following values are accepted: ["mg", "g", "kg", "t", "oz", "lbs", "st"]
  • experiment_name: A string value that specifies the name of the experiment (e.g. "Carbon Emission Task")
  • payment_e_mail_name: A string that specifies the name of the person or team that receives the mail
  • payment_e_mail_to: A list containing the mail addresses of all recipients . If the mail is only to be sent to one address then a single string can be passed to the function.

How it works (basic)

  1. The weight_to_donate value is converted to metric tons. The conversion is based on the unit value.
  2. The current CO2 price per ton for emission certificates is fetched from a price endpoint that is provided by Compensators.
  3. The price of the carbon-emission certificate is calculated.
  4. A mail is sent to all addresses within the payment_e_mail_to list. The mail includes the total weight of carbon-emission saved, the current price per ton for carbon-emission certificates, as well as the link to Compensators donation form with the correct price to make the carbon-emission certificate purchase. These contents can be changed at will.

When is send_payment_mail() called?

  • The function is called when all players have finished the CET. For an example see :ref:`results`